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TAMPA, Fla. (October 12, 2011) – The USF College of Education (COEDU) is pleased to announce the Seventh Annual Outstanding Latino/a Educator (OLÉ) Awards. The awards are given annually to outstanding Latino/a COEDU students who demonstrate exceptional performance and potential in the areas of teaching, research, and service. One award is available at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral level. Additionally, there is an honorable mention award for each level as well. The criteria for the awards are posted on the section
About the OLE Awards.
This year’s recipients are an impressive and inspirational group. Winners and honorable mention in the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level are listed below.
Undergraduate Level
OLE Award Winner: Angel Manuel Arroyo Sr. Angel is completing his bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. A student whose Puerto Rican background is a source of pride, Angel strives to engage students through a culturally relevant curriculum. He was nominated for the OLE Award by Dr. Sara Flory, Assistant Professor in the School of Physical Education and Exercise Science.
Honorary Mention: Casey Marin. Casey is a Social Science Education major with dreams of teaching English in Costa Rica upon graduation. A native of New Orleans, Casey’s Venezuelan background comes into play when he creates culturally rich lessons in his USF courses. He was nominated by Dr. Barbara Cruz, Professor in the Department of Secondary Education.
Master's Level
OLE Award Winner: Marisol Montoya. Marisol is working on a master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Born and raised in Mexico, Marisol’s work with migrant youth is helping close the achievement and graduation gap for this group of students. She was nominated by Dr. Bill Black, Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
Honorary Mention: Pablo Gallego Álvarez. Pablo is pursuing a master’s degree in Educational Leadership, using his teaching, research, and service to better the lives of Latinos. Originally from Spain, Pablo has received numerous awards and uses his knowledge and love of sports to engage students.
Doctoral Level
OLE Award Winner: Ana T. Torres-Ayala. Ana, a native of Puerto Rico, is pursuing her Ph.D. in Higher Education with an interest in preparing future faculty in engineering. She has presented her preliminary research findings at the American Society for Engineering Education to great acclaim. She was nominated by Dr. Tom Miller, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological and Social Foundations.
Honorary Mention: Connie Walker-Egea. Connie is completing a Ph.D. in Educational Measurement and Evaluation. A registered and licensed dietitian, she has worked in her native Puerto Rico as well as in the United States, and has presented at national and international conferences. She was nominated by Dr. Liliana Rodriguez-Campos, Associate Professor in the Department of Measurement and Research.
The presentation of the OLE Awards took place on Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 6-8 pm, in the TECO Room of the College of Education. The event and the awards are sponsored with generous support from Verizon’s Hispanic Support Organization.