OLÉ Committee

In 2012, the OLE! Committee is comprised of six college faculty. Below is a brief profile of Committee members.

Vonzell Agosto, Chair
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Dr. Agosto's research focuses on issues of curriculum (theory, inquiry, policy), leadership preparation, and anti-oppressive education. Her publications include handbook chapters and articles in Race, Ethnicity & Education, Teachers College Record, and the Journal of Negro Education.. Learn more...

Zorka Karanxha, Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Dr. Karanxha’s research interests include leadership preparation, and policy issues in education.  Her publications include a co-authored book, book chapters, and articles in Action in Teacher Education, Journal of Research in Leadership Education, and Journal of School Leadership. Learn more...

Victor M. Hernández
Associate Professor, Career and Workforce Education
Dr. Hernández's research interests focus on the interface that integrates the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational strategies designed to connect curriculum, teaching, and learning in work contexts as a means to maximize career-oriented learning for all students. He has written on the impact of programs designed to connect school- and work-based learning on student learning and career development. Learn more...

William Black
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Dr. Black's research interests include educational accountability policy and ethical leadership, collaborative evaluation of educational leadership programs, leadership for diverse populations, institutional ethnography and cultural conceptions of policy, educational politics, and critical disability studies and leadership. Learn more...

Bárbara Cruz
Professor, Social Science Education
Dr. Cruz's research interests include global and multicultural perspectives in education, ethnic minority students, innovative teacher preparation practices, active learning strategies, and textbook bias. She is the author of several Hispanic biographies and young adult books on a variety of educational issues. Learn more...

Carlos P. Zalaquett
Professor, Counselor Education
Dr. Zalaquett's interest include psychotherapy and counseling techniques; multicultural counseling; characteristics of successful Latino students; mental health; counselor education; and the skills and abilities to succeed in the 21st century. Learn more...